Best Shows of 2012

I watched a LOT of TV this year. A Lot. Again, some of my shows from last year fell off the list, like Revenge and Grey’s Anatomy and The Middle. I don’t watch Glee anymore, and thought about dropping Hart of Dixie but it sucked me back in.

Here are my favorites.

1) Walking Dead–crazy show, not afraid of anything!

2) Arrow–hot guy, superhero story, love it!

3) Castle–best season since the first season!

4) Vampire Diaries–Damon and Elena! Woot!

5) Haven–love the ticking clock and the triangle

6) Once Upon a Time–especially now with Captain Hook!

7) Hawaii 5-0–I love that they’ve brought Katherine on fulltime.

8) Modern Family–always funny. Cannot wait for the baby to be born!

9) Justified–can’t wait until January 8!

10) Scandal–nice and twisty. I love it!

What did you watch and love this year?

Goals for Week of the New Year

New Year is not my favorite holiday, but at least this year I won’t feel depressed about going back to work, since we have until January 7.

1) Celebrate 26th anniversary
2) Lunch with a pal
3) Day with Mom
4) Sew something
5) NaNo revisions, continued
6) Hang with the boy. He doesn’t even know when he’s going back to school. Isn’t that hilarious?

So, busy week, but I hope to have 2 full writing days, at least.

Movies I’m Looking Forward to in 2013

Seems like 2013 will be a year of sequels and redos. I admit I want to see Jurassic Park in 3D. It is one of my favorite movies despite the plot holes.

Coming in 2013, I want to see:

1) Iron Man 3

2) Hansel and Gretel

3) White House Down

4) Great Gatsby (the only non-action movie, but one of my favorite novels.)

5) Man of Steel

6) World War Z

7) Catching Fire

8) Thor 2

9) Hobbit 2

10) The Wolverine (I saw a movie called Gambit listed and had a momentary dizzy spell. I LOVED Gambit when we used to watch the cartoon when Josh was little. Alas, not about Gambit.)

Favorite Movies of 2012

I remember last year at this time, my son was apoplectic with joy at all the good movies that were coming out. I saw quite a number, but still have several on my list that I’d like to see–Skyfall and Lincoln being the top 2. But I saw a lot, more in theaters than usual, and a ton of DVDs and Amazon rentals.

Here are my favorites:

1) The Hobbit

2) The Avengers

3) Brave

4) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

5) The Woman in Black

6) What’s Your Number?

7) Bourne Legacy

8) Hunger Games

9) Life of Pi

10) Dark Knight Rises (SO dark, though!)

What movies did you love in 2012?

Bundle Cover Choices

I have to find a cover image to tie my three Bluestone books together for a bundle cover. I do best when I can look at them side by side.

Which ones do you like?

Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2013

I’m so behind on my reading and my Nook is so overflowing that I feel weird adding more books! Some of my auto-buys aren’t auto-buys anymore, and I really am overwhelmed with series. I’m behind in almost every series–the Jill Shalvis one, the Cindy Gerard one, the Robyn Carr one, so I’m reluctant to start reading any others!

First and foremost, my friend Kris Fletcher’s very first Harlequin, A Better Father, coming out April 2.

Nora Roberts’s new hardcover, Whiskey Beach.

Shannon Stacey’s All He Ever Dreamed–Josh’s story. This is one series I can keep up with!

Trish Milburn’s Her Perfect Cowboy in May. And her first Nocturne in December!

Meg Benjamin’s Medium series coming in August! (I KNOW I said no more series! But I read the first part of the first one way back when and have been DYING for these!)

Here Be Monsters by Meljean Brook. I’m pretty sure it’s the next Iron Seas book, and I should be caught up by the time it comes out in October.

The new Carolina book by Virginia Kantra. I have always loved her books and am glad she’s back to writing contemporaries.

What books are you looking forward to in 2013?

STOP THE PRESSES: A New Favorite Book for 2012

I knew I posted my Best Of list too early. I read a Christmas novella today called IF YOU BELIEVE IN ME and it was SO GOOD! It’s by my friend Natalie Damschroder, which is why I bought it but not why I love it. It’s a Christmas reunion story that sounds sadder than it is: a missing soldier, the girl left behind. Everyone has given Kale up for dead except for Amber. The Army has declared him missing, and no one has heard from him for months. But Amber won’t give up hope. The tension as the holiday approaches is just wonderful, and her superstitions are so sweet. It’s just a wonderful story. Go read it!

IYBIM cover

Favorite Books of 2012

I’ve read 76 books in 2012 and found some new authors that I hope I can keep up with!

1) 11/22/63–took me 2 months to listen to it but sucked me in every single day. I bought it in ebook format recently, too.

2) Can’t Buy Me Love by Molly O’Keefe–great characters. Just amazing.

3) Firefly Run by Trish Milburn–loved the setting, the conflict, a perfect romantic suspense

4) Untraceable by Laura Griffin–more suspense than romance but a great heroine and reluctant hero.

5) The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis–read on the plane to San Fran. Laughed aloud several times.

6) Slow Summer Kisses by Shannon Stacey–just a really sweet summer romance

7) The Woman Who Loves Jesse James by Cindi Myers–real characters, real situations, terrific personalization. I got hooked on all things James there for a bit.

8) Forbidden Falls by Robyn Carr–unexpected, since it’s about the preacher and his assistant, but I really loved it.

9) Tainted by Temptation by Katy Madison–a historical Gothic. LOVED.

10) Unholy Night by Seth Grahame-Smtih–checked it out from the library after reading about it in EW, about the 3 Wise Men. Not at all what I expected, but I devoured it.

What did you read this year that you loved?

Christmas Traditions from My Childhood

1) Baking like a fiend for weeks. This year I did it in two days. That was not better, though really, just one mess.

2) Opening presents Christmas Eve–my grandfather was in charge of distracting us so Santa could arrive early. Was a bit confusing if we saw the news later and the reports that Santa was on his way.

3) Eating sandwiches on Christmas Eve, usually on red and green bread. And chips. And cookies. Oh, so many cookies.

4) Watching Christmas shows on TV trays while the grown-ups ate in the dining room.

5) Getting up early to go to Mass–we didn’t start going to Midnight Mass until I was a teenager, I think. Was long and crowded. Not so bad these days.

What are some of your traditions? I need to fulfill 2 of mine–watch Elf and Christmas Vacation today, since A Christmas Story will be on tomorrow.

Goals for the Week of CHRISTMAS

Christmas always makes me a little sad–so much anticipation and then it’s over. I love the anticipation.

My husband is on vacation this week, and my son is home, so my goals may be ambitious.

1) Celebrate!
2) Call Cindi on her birthday (today)
3) Take down Christmas decorations on Wednesday.
4) Revise 15K on the NaNo book
5) Follow up LASIK appt on Friday.
6) Go see Skyfall, hopefully.
7) Finish last batch of cookies

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