Reader ADD

Speaking of NaNo, seriously, don’t look at my calendar. UGH! So far behind. Going to see what I can get done here in the next two hours.

I finished a book last night on my Kindle app on my Nook. Still in Kindle, I started reading another book. I have SO many that I’ve either gotten free or bought cheap. I’m reading one recommended on Plot Monkeys, but then I remembered I bought another book by Roxanne St. Clair that I wanted to read, and I still have a ton of books on Nook that I want to read, and some from Kobo, and some from iTunes….

I think I have more reader ADD now that I have so many books in so many virtual places. It’s hard to choose, it’s hard to remember which books I really wanted to read…it’s actually kind of stressful!

Do you have this problem? I have probably 2000 books in different apps. Crazy, right?

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rita Bellinger
    Nov 10, 2012 @ 15:08:26

    I can definitely relate. I have 2000 books just on my Kindle and proabably more than that in iBooks. I’m a speed reader with a photographic memory and even I forget which book I said I was reading next.


  2. Mary Curry
    Nov 10, 2012 @ 16:28:07

    I’ve been suffering reader ADD ever since I began writing. I either am too focused on the craft of what I’m reading or something in it sparks an idea and I want to get back to my own writing. I know a book is special if I can stay focused on it.
    I think having so many books available on different devices just enables me. 😉


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