Diet Foods

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I’m not on a diet, exactly, but the boy is, so I’ve been trying out new diet snacks so not to tempt him with the usual cookies and brownies I make. I’ve discovered that diet foods aren’t so bad right now. I’ve been taking the Oroweat sandwich thins for lunch, as well as the Pringles and 100-calorie Nabisco sweets. I will say I’m hungry by 4 PM, though.

So when I come home, I have one of these treats. The mousse is sooooooo good, but then, so are the Skinny Cow sandwiches. I’ve only had one of the truffles.

The other day I celebrated with one of these:
Mmm. I still have my Big Mac and fries, and Chick-Fil-A breakfast biscuits, but I figure I’m cutting corners. What diet foods do you like?


5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Marianne Arkins
    May 11, 2010 @ 04:40:15

    You could try something crazy like… fruit (even fruit leather which is like eating candy). Or baby carrots and chipolte ranch dressing. Even Triscuits are pretty healthy (try the flavored ones). Cuz, no matter how you look at it … 100 calories of Pringles is still junk food with no nutritional value. Sorry.Nutrition is a subject near and dear to my heart.I'll stop before I nag.


  2. MJFredrick
    May 11, 2010 @ 05:12:22

    Ah, Cindi's been nagging me for years. I have the palate of an 8 year old.But I do like fruit leather. Fruit itself never stays long in the house, and I only shop once a week.


  3. Kelly Boyce
    May 12, 2010 @ 08:51:19

    I want to try those SKinny Cow treats. I keep seeing them in the store but I worry because they're low cal if I'll just eat the whole box…


  4. MJFredrick
    May 12, 2010 @ 16:33:11

    They're so good, Kelly, and filling enough that you won't scarf them all 🙂


  5. mary beth
    May 12, 2010 @ 20:53:05

    Fruits and veggies. All of them. :-)I'm using the free app loseit. WONDERFUL!I've heard the $1.99 app iFitness is great too.


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