Goals for My First Regular Week Since October!


This will be the first week I’ve seen all my classes since OCTOBER! We started practicing for the Christmas program the last week of October and practiced through the second week in December. The last week of December was filled with interruptions, the first week of January we had an inservice and a day when I went to PE, the second week was another day in PE, the third week was MLK, then the ice day, and last week was testing. I may get two more of these before Spring Break, but we’ll see.


  1. Finish Novella from Hell
  2. Finish edits for Guarded Hearts
  3. Plot new book–I have index cards and tape and I’m not afraid to use it!
  4. Add books to Google Play store
  5. Write a guest blog
  6. Meeting
  7. Read Rita book
  8. Enjoy having all of my classes for a change!
  9. Clean house/cook/exercise

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Natalie J. Damschroder
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 06:17:51

    Enjoy your regular week! We have another closure today for snow, with another storm hitting us tomorrow night, which doesn’t bode well for Wednesday. It’s insane!


  2. mjfredrick
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 06:23:18

    Wild. At this rate, they’ll be making up days until August! We’ll have a warm day tomorrow, then back to the cold by Thursday.


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