Getting Glee, and The Tudors

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I am obsessed with these two shows lately, and could they be more different?

I think I finally get what it is about Glee that draws people. Not only does it show the talent of the outcast kids, but it shows that the cool kids have trouble too—Quinn with her parents and Finn not having a father figure. I do hope next year we see more of the secondary cast perform. I love to see Mike dance and hear Kurt sing.

It took me a few episodes to get into The Tudors, unlike Supernatural and Glee, which sucked me straight in. And to be honest, Charles Brandon, as portrayed by Henry Cavill (guh!) is a big part of the draw. But I’m also watching and anticipating the downfall of these selfish people. I can’t say I really root for them, because, well, they just aren’t very nice. I’m intrigued with the church history angle, as a Catholic, and I’m wondering why we were taught that Anne Boleyn was a person to be pitied when she was a conniving little so-and-so. Still, I cried when she died, the scene was so well done.

Also, I think the actress looks a lot like Penny from The Big Bang Theory. Seriously. Same shape face, same eyebrows, she does the same thing with her mouth….

I finished watching the streaming shows over the weekend and now am looking forward to getting the discs of season 3.


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Natalie J. Damschroder
    Jun 15, 2010 @ 13:30:54

    I admit, I didn't get drawn into The Tudors, despite the beauty of Jonathan Rhys-Myers (who is this Cavill dude?).I like that about Glee, but it's not why I watch. It's a combination of Sue and Will's relationship, how hot Will is when he sings, and the overall bonding among the club overall. Plus, of course, about half the musical numbers. Half I could do without, but I'm sure other people love that half, so it evens out. 🙂


  2. MJFredrick
    Jun 15, 2010 @ 16:25:19

    I do love when Will sings, and I'm with you, only love about half the songs. I was talking to my brother, who likes Lady Gaga, about that episode, but I didn't love it. The last episode, though, WOW.


  3. Nishant
    Jun 22, 2010 @ 05:37:17

    I'm sure other people love that half, so it evens out. Banner Advertising Network India


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